Countries: USA
writed by: Christina Hodson
Duration: 109 min
Cathy Yan
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☆ω Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn with Rosie Perez
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Harley is like dont touch my sandwich. Watched it yesterday. It was fabulous. Some seriously fun and brutal ass-kicking. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 Full Movie Watch Online dailymotion blogged. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 Full Movie Watch Online dailymotion. 2:01 he has I gmod thing.
I feel really bad for her. She went through a lot. She had a messed up childhood and then had to deal with the joker. Im really glad shes happy now🥺.
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 Full Movie Watch Online dailymotion video.
That tattoo scene had the classic joker purple suit so im happy.
I saw the movie,its very good.
Kanary was sexy af in birds of could be my wife.
Cause I am freaking Harley queen Thanos:has join the chat.
I lost the high ground, so I joined the Dark Side.
Harley giving mom vibes in that van is ❤️.
1:19 That is the most extra fight move I've ever seen, and I love it.
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 Full Movie Watch Online. Wait is Harley straight or bi. Don't ever trust Cassandra Cain because she will one day be in a abusive relationship with Kate Kane/Batwoman. Well fight scenes were decent, could be better though. Same with the use of colour element. Couldn't help but notice every single male character is trash, and every single female character is good at heart even if you are psychopath like Harley Quinn. Well i guess that's what you get when you have female writer and director, taking a feminist way. I can understand all the disappointment being a harley Quinn fan. But got to admit that Margaret suits as HQ.
Alan Grant: The word raptor means Bird Of Prey Harley Quinn and the Others: Let us introduce to ourself Velociraptor: WHAT THE F- WELL BE RIGHT BACK.
Though Margot Robbie is a talented actress and portrays Harley Quinn very well, the plot and character arcs in this movie all fall flat. The intro is quirky, funny, and seems promising but never truly rises at any point during the movie. The narration bit wasn't confusing, but didn't do anything to help drive the boring plot home. Add that to the fact that there was no real struggle or villain. I on, you own the city but apparently no guns? Which leads me to my next point. Ewan McGregor. Fantastic actor, terrible role. I hold this opinion for almost all the characters in the movie. None of their character arcs are meaningful or develop enough for us to care about them. Another issue I had with the movie is the failed attempts at action choreography. I mean, you have dudes standing around and falling back before they're even hit. br> Honestly. It was a great concept. It just failed to take flight.
That's my sweet Harley Freaking Quinn.
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 Full Movie Watch Online dailymotion thumbnail. I love harley and cass's song at the end 😃😃. “YOU KILLED MY SANDWICH. I rented the movie, i loved it, i love how harley quinn was so broken and sad at the beginning but later in the movie cared less and less about joker and started to focus on everyone that she cared about, i recommend this to every harley quinn fan. This is a good way to say that Jared Leto is fired. Harley: “Im the one they should be scared of, not you, not Mr. J.” Batman : I'm Batman... Looks sooooo good! cant wait to watch it. 1:54 I love a good drop kick. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 Full Movie Watch Online dailymotion dailymotion.
The girls are always the strongest
Wait did I just pay 20 for an HD version that is really limited to 480p. Why can't I choose full 1080p.
I enjoyed this movie, especially the fight scenes.
Does anyone know if after this scene/video the part where she blows up the “chemical” place with a car takes place? Lol- I didnt get to see the beginning of the movie.
I am so glad I saw on it on my birthday so amazing cathy Pham great job.
I wish dat I could get away with doing crazy things like this in real life.
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 Full Movie Watch Online dailymotion blogged video.
Margot robbie is a queeeennnnnn i watched birds of prey and it was so good like i was screaming.
Dude. What is this movie? It is trying to be a female Deadpool but it doesn't get the one element of Deadpool that worked. CHARACTER.
DC. You can't have your main character narrate all of the film explain everyone's story and actually expect me to care what happens to generic kid in an R-rated movie. Not cancerous but the script is utter trash. Definitely a skippable movie. But it has redeeming moments here and there.